About Me

My name is Marc Boni and I’ve let an interesting life full of ups and downs and more challenges than most see in their lives. I don’t see that as a negative as its given me the strength both mentality and spirituality to be resilient to any bumps that come along in life now. 

I strive to be the best version of myself possible through alternative medicine, strong Christian morals and a connection to god. I take all the ups and downs in life and use that as fuel, giving me a unique perspective and empathy to help those achieve the best versions of themselves possible. 

Tools for Success


Fitness Evaluation

Looking at your health body, mind and soul and evaluating what the best course of action is. 


Excercise Plans

Everyone is unique and every situation is unique. I believe that everyone deserves a plan tailored to maximize their potential. 



A core part of a healthy body and mind is the fuel we feed our systems. This is a major component and a obsession of mine personally. 


Free Weekly Fitness Tips

Contact Info

1234 Divi St. #1000
San Francisco, CA 94220

Contact Info

(255) 352-6258